Book a tour to get promo code and earn some money

How book a tour to get promo code and earn some money work?
1. After you booked a tour from our company, we will give you an unique promo code. You can give it to your friend, or share this code to your blog, social media, or Cruise Critic, etc. If someone use your code to book our tour, you can get USD15 per booking. And who use your code will get USD15 off from the tour price.
This code does not have a limited period of validity, no matter which ship or which date take the tour.

2. If you already have a code, please put it in the booking form when you book the tour, then you can get USD15 off from the tour price. And we will give you an unique promo code after you booked the tour.

When will you receive the money?
We will inform you if some one used your promo code to book our tour.

The money will be transferred to you via PayPal after the tour finished. You can create a PayPal account at if you do not have one.

*The promotion starts from on February 1, 2019.

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